Saturday, November 23, 2013

Goodbye Churchill

My favorite bear picture. They look so cuddly.  Hard to believe that she's viewing me as food.                        .

Goodbye Churchill. 
 This picture cannot convey how cold it was and the wind was blowing at 25 mph. Brrrr!

You need to dress warm!
Inutshuk are rock statues that come in all sizes and are still built.  They serve several purposes -they show that people were there and act as way markers.  They are also used as "additional people" and caribou are driven into a group of Inutshuk and rounded up against them with the Inutshuk acting like more hunters.  The Inutshuks also remind the natives that familiar spirits were there and offer them a spiritual comfort. 

St. Paul's Anglican church, circa 1890, in the town of Churchill at sunset which was about 4 PM.  Contains a beautiful stained  glass window that was a gift from the widow of Sir John Franklin, the famous arctic explorer as a thank you for the help of the people of Churchill in finding her husband--he was never found.  
Added March 2016--Sir John Franklin's ship was found by the  Canadian Government Sept 2014 after being missing for 160 years.   

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