Friday, January 12, 2018

Patagonia Fire

Lots of the rules of Torres del Paine national park are to protect it from fires.  The Lingua trees that used to cover the forests grow at 1 mm a year and once a mature tree is gone, it doesn’t grow back.  In 2005, a 20 year old Croatian man started a fire that destroyed forest, in 2006  an Israeli 18 year old started a fire and faced a fine of $200.  In 2011, another 18 year old Israeli man started a fire that accidentally got away from his campfire, the winds were blowing severely and the fire burned ¾ of the park!  The park is 1,773,600 acres.  Everywhere we went for 3 days was burnt trees.    In addition to the trees, many animal died that were unable to escape the fast moving blaze.  The Israeli government voluntarily paid 10 million dollars to Chile and that young man has to come to Patagonia every summer for the rest of his life to help with the conservation effort and to spread awareness of the danger of fires.  Israel has also set up a program to educate tourist.  Maybe calling the above men is giving them more credit than they deserve!  The laws for violating the “no campfire” rules have continued to get more severe.  Last year 2 South Korean girls, 19 and 20 years old were fined 10,000 USD, kicked out of the country and can’t come back for 10 years.  We drove by several reforestation projects where Lingua trees have been planted in green cylinders and as they mature, the trees will be planted throughout the park, but remember a Lingua tree grows only 1 mm a year!!  

Replanting is slow, tedious work

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