Monday, March 11, 2013

Hugo Chavez died today.

Venezuelan dictator Hugo died today.  The state has announced that there will be three days of mourning with the “official mourning day” as Friday since that is the day of his funeral.  Thousands of people stood in a long, meandering line around Revolution Square to sign a book of condolescenes from the people of Cuba to the people of Venezula.  Havana is a city filled with music of all kinds and the music stopped.  The government  forbid all concerts, music entertainment in hotel, clubs or any other venue.  The opera, the ballet—nada. Flags are flying at half mast. 

 Chavez had left Cuba a couple of weeks ago to finish his chemotherapy at home in Venezula, but most people suspected he was dying and even though the TV and newspaper showed Chavez in bed surrounded by his two daughters, he has never taken the oath of office after the elections last fall.  Yesterday, we did hear that he was having respiratory problems and that he might be sicker than people were led to believe.
Fidel and Chavez are good buddies and have not only a philosophical agreement as far as running a socialist/communist dictatorship, but Cuba gets oil very cheap from Venezula and  in exchange, Cuba provides doctors and nurses to Venezula.  There is some concern about the preferential treatment they received about their oil—like maybe the new president won’t continue to honor the agreement.



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