Monday, March 11, 2013

Jobs in Cuba

Cuba is full of doctors and nurses.  There are 15 provinces and each has at least one medical school.  Doctors and nurses are paid about 80 to 90 CUCs a month (1 CUC = 1 USD). This is the same salary that most teachers and government workers make. Tour guides, restaurant workers make minimum wage, but get tips  that allow them to make salaries of 200-300  CUCs a month and  put their salaries ahead of most professionals.  The best job in Cuba now is to work for an international company where the monthly pay is 600-900 CUC.  With the loosening of laws within the last 2 years, it is possible to rent out a room in your house which can bring in $300/month.  

Another change since 2 years ago, 180 jobs are now open to do privately, but a person can only emply 5-10 people.
Above right--barely in the picture is our guide, Arturo, with 2 of the doctors at a local clinic.  Arturo was a professor of English at Havana University.  He now leads tours like ours since the money is so much better and it's paid in CUCs.  Most of his income comes from tips from people like us!

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